Spill The Tea

On Relationships

Marriage & Infidelity

It is sometimes the simplest thing that causes a person to cheat. With no intentions to be unfaithful there is a great desire within all of us, for human connection and the need to be wanted. Failure to provide or receive the desired human touch or even attention can cause you or your partner’s mind to stray. In today’s society it is more of the norm to be unfaithful while married than it is to be faithful. A lot of people may believe that having that gold ring around their finger will stop a cheater from cheating but once a cheater always a cheater.  Now, is it unfair to say that a person who has cheated cannot change, yes it is because we are all capable of change, however once you cheat it is hard to be trusted and therefore, there will always be doubt in your lover’s eyes? I asked a chronic cheater who is married, what he would do if he found out his wife was cheating and to my surprise his response was “I would leave her”. When I asked him why he then said “she knows I’m cheating on her and she chooses to stay, I would choose to leave.” Now I am not agreeing with his reply but it seems that more and more women are accepting their husbands or partners cheating ways. For every second of the day there is someone that is cheating, being cheated on or thinking about cheating and there is no doubt that with the advanced forms of connecting through social media and other electronic messaging formats that cheating will most likely evolve.

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