Spill The Tea

On Relationships

About The Author

Welcome to Spill The Tea on Relationships where we want you to speak your truth when it comes to being in a relationship. When I first decided to do this blog, I was scared that I might need to reveal some personal things about myself, then I realized that relationships of the heart will always be a hot topic to talk about and I’m not the only one that has issues with it.  When it comes to love, some may not want to admit it but we all crave for it; whether it’s from our parents, our kids or someone we deeply care about; it’s as if we breathe to be loved. I can only speak for myself but being a woman in her late forties, I don’t want to grow old alone. I’ve realized how hard it is, to find a man my age that actually wants to settle down or maybe I’m looking in all the wrong places or should I just settle with what’s available. Well, I’m not sure if settling is something I want to settle for because at the end of the day can anyone be truly happy if they are settling for less than what they truly want?

beautiful sunset with girl on guys shoulder

Spill The Tea on Relationships is exactly what it means and I want to get down and dirty on all aspects of today’s relationships. So, let’s talk about love and relationships, how things have changed, the things people will do when love hurts, cheating and what we are willing to put up with when it comes to being in a relationship with someone we love. The kind of relationships that I see today are nothing like the ones our parents were in. Nowadays relationships consist of more than two people involved in sexual activities, most of the time it’s one man with two or more women.  It is said and I can only assume it to be true but apparently, there are more women than there are men and that’s why men feel they have to do their due diligence. I wonder who came up with those numbers and how would men handle it, if it was the other way around, should we do our due diligence?
Spill The Tea by no means provides professional advice and we are not a male bashing site, we welcome all men to speak their truth. We simply want to talk about relationships, the topics are based on our own experiences, common mistakes we make, things we wish to see change, sex and everything else that involves being in a relationship. So let’s get down to the nitty-gritty and discuss what’s really on our minds.

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